2011.11.08It's the end of the world, again
An illustration for a game I am currently working on. I will certainly have to clean it up a little before usage. It's my first new indie illustration, champagne!
An illustration for a game I am currently working on. I will certainly have to clean it up a little before usage. It's my first new indie illustration, champagne!
There's something special with Processing and I love testing things with it. But I am not a great fan of Java.
I decided to have some fun and experiment with Scala, Eclipse and the processing libraries. It worked.
But, then I was hit by a question: assuming I create something funny with all this wonderful stuff, how do I ship it to people?
After some really convoluted attempts I found an ugly and half baked solution which still involved hard work for each and every new sketch.
A little bit disapointed, I opened Processing to see how easy it was to ship a sketch as a native application.
Here's a screenshot of the export panel.
Now, there's definitely something important to learn from this panel.
I think that Processing works, is minimalist and focuses on helping its user experiment and ship.
Every word is important in the last sentence:
That's a great lesson a lot of people should follow.
Thank you Processing :)
I am an org-mode user. I write things and I organize most of my life using org-mode
. It made me code with emacs after many years of vim -yes, I know, coder's stuff is often boring-.
Since this blog was created I made a promise to manage it through emacs
using org
files. If possible without changing of blogging platform: Tumblr.
I used a few tools and coded some converters and I now have the following structure on my computer:
blog-fr.org # the French blog content blog-en.org # the English blog content picasa/ # images used by posts labe.me/ # the static entrance http://labe.me
Plus some files which help diffuse, deploy and synchronize all this stuff, among which a good old Makefile
to make things as automatic as possible.
Here are the main tools used by the system:
. After some hacks and filters it helped me convert org content into custom HTMLFinally:
or command line in the terminalTODO
means draft and is synchronized to Tumblr draft for preview when requiredTODO
:)If some org-mode
user is interested I will gladly share the code -which is simple-. My emacs lisp fu is not good enough to code this in lisp without losing a lot of time but some emacs guru might be interested by the idea and give it a try.
In the meantime, I am pretty impressed with the result and the open possibilities!
It's less ugly but I still have a lot to do before the initial release.