
I write code, this blog is a dream.

2013.10.18Long live the Queen

Breaking News: the Queen of England had a conversation with a charming little boy who enjoys playing MiliWorlds with his brother. I am pretty sure they didn't mention the game but I take for granted that Elizabeth would be a great player.

2013.09.27FrenchCows tasty video

As you can see, we work really hard here, an english version should be available soon :)

2013.09.14MiliWorlds for iPad

Do you enjoy bloody conflicts? MiliWorlds is available for your iPad. I hope you will have fun destroying your friends!

MiliWorlds was made with haxe, openfl, pixelmator, emacs and elbow grease.

2013.09.13The dairy revolution is coming

We (a group of friends) spent a good part of this summer thinking a new human project. We hope this adventure will revolutionize the french independent video game world.

We are working on technical details and you should be able to learn a little bit more this monday.

Of course my own productions are paused while I work on this but it's for the good cause !

2013.09.06Distributing your openFL app on the iOS App Store

If you use openFL chances are that, when you want to ship, you open your Build/ios/Project.xcodeproj with xCode, change the Release signing options, recompile from xCode and create an Archive with xCode.

And redo this everytime you change your mind and modify something in your app…

I worked on the openfl-native templates/iphone/PROJ.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj this morning and we will soon fix this with Joshua so you will be able to sign your app without opening xCode (hacking the template worked for me).

The missing part is: how to create the archive (zip) and send it to Apple.

I am trying this and will tell you if the archive was accepted by apple:

$ cd Build/ios/build/Release-iphoneos
$ zip -r

To send the App, I first configure it on itunesconnect and then use the xCode "Application Loader" tool and select my zip file (I don't do that a lot so I guess it's ok).

I hope it will work, please tell me if you think it won't! :)

The next interesting thing to easier your life may be to use "Transporter, Apple’s command-line delivery tool, to deliver App Store metadata localizations, in addition to In-App Purchase and Game Center metadata.".

EDIT: Miliworlds was accepted by the App Store. This process is valid :)