During all these years, I developed a kind of hatred against intermediates. Administration, commercials, distributors, etc.
Each time you rely on an intermediate you lose time, energy, joy, and money.
Intermediates are enemies of independence.
You know it, creators are fighting to recover their due and their liberty (and they immediately misled themselves in new closed platforms but that's another fight).
Because organizing my move to Spain takes a lot of time and since creating my next game will requires even more time, I decided to dedicate my few free time slices to change the numeric distribution world a little.
I chose some recent thing I encountered and didn't like.
I am currently fighting it with code and brain power.
And I will soon propose an open, efficient, secure, lowcost and easy to use solution which will make an intermediate irrelevant to most programmers.
For now I name this creation "Deliver It Enthusiastic! My Indie Delivery System." (DIE MIDS)
I hope that many independent downloadable games developers will use it as well as others downloadable numeric goods creators. Anyway, the project in its "primary" form should be on GitHub within two or three weeks and you will do what you want with it :)
Program or be programmed like they said.