
I write code, this blog is a dream.

2013.12.02We launched a month ago :)

Ok, so what's FrenchCows exactly?

It's a fair community where players, creators and creations are respected and cherished.

A quick summary:

  • As a player you buy 6 months of fresh game creations for 15€. If you feels like helping the creators you can dive into our forums, talk to them and contribute to make their game even better!
  • As a creator you can come with your game (completed or in progress), sell it as part of the collective, get a fair share, improve it with players feedbacks. You can talk to the community, ask for views and help… And you are free to sell your game elsewhere (although we'd love to have the exclusivity during the first 3 months).

FrenchCows is a fresh collective, currently 10 studios/developers are working on the project, 8 are creating games and 2 are working on the marketing and media part.

We are working hard to improve the service, create new content and promote the collective and the games.

We welcome new developers, we welcome new players and we would love to ear you talk about us!

We have games for PC, MAC, Android and Linux. Some of them are just great: you have to try!

Come and help us grow the cowmunity!