
I write code, this blog is a dream.

2016.08.22Rethink basics

Every single thing or thought can be challenged (even this one).

For instance, we are currently building a great app for juga: the guest book.

How can we challenge the good old guestbook? The book which is there mostly to be ignored... or to divert you while you're queuing for the WC.

Well we built it using juga's platform and the context changes a lot:

  1. No more paper and pen, you can interact with the guestbook at the same time as another person,
  2. With your mobile you can send messages and selfies/photos,
  3. Connectable to a TV you get your local social feed on the big screen,
  4. Numeric, you can print or save your book or reuse the photos in a different context,
  5. Real-time, people interact with the book and it become a social game,
  6. Optionally Moderated :)

I was stunned to create such a useful and provocative app in only a few days, I believe Juga's guestbook is a fantastic tool for weddings, parties, hot places, businesses, etc.

You can already try it on, a dedicated and over-simplified service for weddings is on its way :)